
Many people can benefit from OMT! It's important to find the right therapist for you as well as for the therapist to make sure everything lines up well for the best possible outcome!


There are many different kinds of OMDs that require OMT such as tongue ties, tongue thrust, mouth breathing, etc. Each condition requires a course of treatment that can vary in length, other times you may benefit from different forms of treatment. A full evaluation will be needed to decide on the best course of treatment! 

Customized Therapy

Our OMT programs are tailored to your specific needs and goals, helping you regain proper function and posture by treating the root cause, not just the symptoms! 


Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

OMT is therapy that targets Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders.

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are defined by abnormalities of the muscles and the functions of the face and the mouth that negatively impact normal growth, development, and/or function. These abnormal patterns can impact speech, breathing, swallowing, chewing, sleeping, dentition, and more. Children, teens, and adults can benefit from treatment.

Here are some signs of an OMD:

  • Thumb/finger/tongue sucking patterns
  • Breathing problems such as enlarged tonsils & adenoids, or allergies
  • Open mouth rest posture of the lips
  • Forward rest posture of the tonque
  • Weak lip muscles
  • Difficulty with chewing, gathering, & swallowing solids & liquids
  • Malocclusion
  • Orthodontic relapse
  • Speech Disorders and speech difficulties, such as lisping or difficulty pronouncing certain sounds
  • Tongue-tie (Ankyloglossia) and or tongue- thrusting
  • Mouth breathing, especially during sleep

  • Open bite (when the front teeth do not touch when the mouth is closed)

  • Crowded or misaligned teeth

  • Headaches or jaw pain

  • Snoring or sleep apnea

  • Chronic neck and shoulder pain

Two Thumbs Up Program

A therapy program for sucking habits.

If any of the following sounds familiar, this program is for you!

"We've tried everything, but nothing works!"

"My husband/wife is always yelling at him/her."

"I put some bad tasting stuff on his/her finger but he/she keeps licking it off!"

"We've tried punishment, putting a glove on, and even spanking but the thumb goes right back in!"

"He's good about not sucking during the day, but at night the thumb goes right back in."

"My child's teeth are being affected and being pushed out of place."


It's easy, and completely understandable, to become frustrated when you feel like you have tried everything and nothing is working!

At Simply Myo, we use a positive approach to eliminate the habit. This means: If the child or adult is interested in stopping and would like to stop but "just can't help it", then it's the right time to start a sucking habit elimination program. This is a NO JUDGMENT ZONE! We don't care how old you are or that you still have the habit. We care to help you find out why, and then eliminate the habit so that you can live what you consider your best life! The most successful programs begin with desire, awareness, and education.

Who can benefit from 2 Thumbs Up?

  • Thumb Suckers
  • Finger Suckers
  • Finger Pickers
  • Nail Biters

If any of this resonates with you and you are ready to begin treatment today, come in for an evaluation. The point of a full evaluation is to see how this habit has affected other parts of your oral health. (Ex: tooth/jaw development, teeth positioning/open bite, spacing of teeth, breathing, etc.)