Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are defined by abnormalities of the muscles and the functions of the face and the mouth that negatively impact normal growth, development, and/or function. These abnormal patterns can impact speech, breathing, swallowing, chewing, sleeping, dentition, and more. Children, teens, and adults can benefit from treatment.

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Sucking Habits

Sucking for a newborn is an instinct. It's how they get their food and is comforting to them. Sucking habits are recommended to stop prior to the age of 3, before the adult teeth start to come in. Once it persists beyond the age of 3, or becomes chronic (occurring in more than one setting) it may be time to think about eliminating the sucking habit. 

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If you want to do some of your own research regarding OMT and OMDs, visit the IJOM website by clicking the following button: